This 2022, the musician Fernando Carranza launched his first book called "Blue Book of Emotional Sensory Practice in Music". You can get the same it right now in their online store.
"This book tries to offer new horizons for the musician, both in composition and in improvisation, in a world where the tonal seems already defined, framed and exhausted, and the atonal is offered as an alternative to it. I think that atonality is a artifice that does not respond to any pattern of the nature of the Universe and that the tonal has a very recognizable and acceptable enclave but, in my humble opinion, it is far from exhausted. The tonal is positioned at one extreme and the atonal at another, despite there are numerous intermediate points that should not be ignored. This book tries to be an approach to some of these nuances, advocating a more comprehensive and inclusive look at the musician", Fernando Carranza
Este 2022, el músico Fernando Carranza lanzó su primer libro llamado “Libro Azul: de la Práctica Emotivo Sensorial en la Música”. Puedes conseguirlo ahora mismo en su tienda online.
"Este libro intenta brindar nuevos horizontes para el músico, tanto en la composición como en la improvisación, en un mundo donde lo tonal parece ya definido, encuadrado y agotado, y lo atonal se ofrece como alternativa a ello. Opino que la atonalidad es un artificio que no responde a ningún patrón de la naturaleza del Universo y que lo tonal tiene un enclave muy reconocible y aceptable pero, a mi humilde parecer, dista mucho de estar agotado. Lo tonal se posiciona en un extremo y lo atonal en otro, pese a ello hay numerosos puntos intermedios que no deberían obviarse. Este libro intenta ser un acercamiento a algunos de dichos matices, abogando por una mirada más abarcativa e inclusiva del músico", Fernando Carranza.
In 2019 Fer Carranza Jazz released his third CD in a studio called "God BePop", in which we can find influences from many different sources, such as funk, jazz fusion, ballads, swing and some touch of Argentine folklore, presenting live on several occasions, the last of which was the Córdoba Jazz Fest 2019, with a very good reception by the public and the press. This new album features 14 new tracks of my own compositions and has a different training from the previous projects, preserving the presence of Claudio Barbero on drums, and incorporating Martín Fernández on guitar and Marcos Fernández on bass.