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"This book tries to offer new horizons for the musician, both in composition and in improvisation, in a world where the tonal seems already defined, framed and exhausted, and the atonal is offered as an alternative to it. I think that atonality is a artifice that does not respond to any pattern of the nature of the Universe and that the tonal has a very recognizable and acceptable enclave but, in my humble opinion, it is far from exhausted. The tonal is positioned at one extreme and the atonal at another, despite there are numerous intermediate points that should not be ignored. This book tries to be an approach to some of these nuances, advocating a more comprehensive and inclusive look at the musician", Fernando Carranza

Blue Book of Emotional Sensory Practice in Music

  • . Digital book

    . PDF format

    . Number of pages 300

    This book is dedicated to the restless musician , who is looking for new tools to achieve a compositional and interpretive musical language that is closer to his particular identity. This material brings new elements within the conventional musical language with the aim of expanding the range of resources to later translate into the musical message in a more noticeable way.

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